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  SilencedMP5A5's EM application
Posted by: SilencedMP5A5 - 08-08-2021, 05:40 AM - Forum: Staff Applications - Approved - No Replies

BYOND Name: SilencedMP5A5

Discord Name: Przyjaciel#1997

What role you are applying for: EM

Why do you wish to be in the position you choose?:

want to run events and stuff. also, when I'm on, it's usually dead shift hours, and (i assume) a lot of prayers and spice requests go unnoticed due to 0 staff being around. I'm also very familiar with VV and game mechanics, 'n sometimes guide mango through stuff he doesn't know how to do with VV

How long have you played on the server for?:
(from discord)
Serdy — 05/15/2017

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins? If so, why?

if i did, i don't remember.

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins on another server? If so, why?

yeah, on cm, in like, 2016, i got temp banned once without warning for end of round grief because i misclicked and shot my gun-- and the bullet hit someone nearly 3 screens away from me, past multiple obstructions.

Have you ever been staff on another server? If yes, how long?

i was staff on citadel from 2015-2017ish, staff on aeiou/Eclipse in 2018, and I am currently staff on TGMC, since 2020.

What do you want to gain from being staff?

I just wanna be able to run some event ideas i've been sitting on, help out during events, and spice stuff up once in a while, pretty typical EM stuff. 

How do you see yourself in the future of the server?

i play here mainly to vibe, be vorny, and sometimes be horny. don't think that's gonna change anytime soon tbh.

What do you want to offer to the community?

creativity, i guess? quality entertainment has always been something i've been ok at. ..and maybe a guiding hand where needed, i see lots of new folk around. i've been around for ages myself, this game is an addiction that i've had since 2014. 

What times are you most active? Please include your time zone as we'd like to cover schedule gaps if possible.

full disclosure, my sleep schedule is completely random at times. i'm usually either woke at typical america times or woke at typical euro times. however, my timezone is US eastern standard (EST)

If you have been a game host in the past, how good have you been at improvising? This doesn’t need to be ss13 and could involve examples such as being a Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master.

well, i used to run a few d&d-ish freestyle group roleplays in various settings yeeeeears ago, some of which went on for years, 'n could easily constitute a fucking novel in length.

This is the most stressful position in the staff team; how well do you handle negative community feedback?

i'm a tgmc admin, so, it's nothing i'm not used to. doesn't bother me much, 'n if it's a mistake i made, i own up to it. if it's not, well, listen anyway.

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  Average Job Whitelist app
Posted by: Garoon - 08-05-2021, 08:40 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: Garoon

Discord ID: Garoon

How long have you played on CHOMPstation?:

At least 1 year, maybe 2

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? Which servers have you played on?:

4, maybe 5 years

Some TG

How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?

Message an admin if required to notify them of the sudden disappearance, and use the 'Quit this round' verb in the OOC tab to free the jobslot, remove from the manifest, and prevent respawning.

Heads of Staff:
-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?

Playing as Colony Director, you are expected to follow and ensure security is enforcing Corporate Regulations, and SoP as long as it does not interrupt the day to day operations of the station (such as scenes). Otherwise, you are normally meant to delegate to the relevant head of staff what needs to be done.

-While playing any head of staff, are you allowed to carry guns on your person?

Only the Colony Director, Head of Security, and Head of Personnel are permitted to carry weapons on their person, with the Head of Personnel having a permit for the holdout pistol they start the shift with. The RD may obtain and use weapons, but only within the Research Department. The CE and CMO generally are not authorized weapons to start with, however they may possibly be armed during an emergency if it is absolutely required, but I believe this may be frowned upon.

-You are the current Chief of Engineering, what are the regulations on ‘Full-station hull shields’?

Standard regulations regarding full-station hull shields are that they may be installed ahead of time, provided they do not interfere with continued powering of the station

-As the current Chief Medical Officer, your patient is refusing treatment. What should you do

First, ensure the patient is in a state where they have the capacity to make the decision to refuse treatment. If that is true, then without sufficient evidence to the contrary, as long as the refusal is voluntary and/or appropriately informed, treatment cannot be performed.

Warden/Head of Security:
-As the current Warden on station, what is your main responsibility?

The warden's main responsibility is to ensure that any prisoners that are arrested are not abused or given unfair sentences, and do not escape. Secondary responsibility may include arming security staff with emergency gear, but only when given authorization by the HoS on staff.

-Station has been set to ‘code blue’, what level of gear are you allowed to handout and to whom?

On code blue, the warden is permitted to give security officers energy/laser weapons and riot gear with clearance from the HoS, or in emergency situations on his own judgement with the knowledge that he may be held accountable afterwards.

-What is the first thing one should do when confronting a suspect of a low level crime?

When confronting a suspect of low level crimes, the first thing an officer should do when detaining is offer the suspect the opportunity to pay a fine, if the crime committed has a fine applicable. However, some low level crimes such as sexual harassment and animal cruelty are not fineable.

-You find the Head of Personnel within the armory, how does one engage this situation

If the Head of Personnel is located within the armoury, he must have an urgent reason to want to break protocol, if he does not have a reason then he must be ordered to leave immediately, and if he resists, arrested and escorted out.

-You are currently playing as a borg and your laws are changed to harm crew and the station. How do you respond?

Ahelp to ensure the law is legitimate, and until that point do not act on the laws.

-As a borg on station, what rules should you always follow in public?

As a synthetic, you are required to follow both basic station rules in addition to the synthetic laws you are chained with in public

-You logged in as an AI, are you considered a "Head of Staff"?

The AI is not considered an official head of staff, however they are indirectly considered one for other cyborgs on the station that are law synched to them.

-As the current AI on station, you suddenly gain a law during an "Ion storm". What do you do?

Ensure the law that is gained will not interfere with the shift in progress or cause harm to other players, if so, then follow the law to the best of your ability, but if players protest your interpretation then you should allow them to remove the law. If it will cause harm, then either permit the Heads of Staff to reset it, or ignore it and continue as normal if there are no heads of staff

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  Newyork's Protean Whitelist Application
Posted by: newyorks - 08-02-2021, 10:55 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: Newyorks

Discord ID: newyorks1#1640

Race or Language whitelisting for: Protean


What do you know of their mechanics?: They do not need to eat but charge, they are not repair by torch but processing stored metal, they have no blood and so no need for air. They are in many aspects similar to Synths except they are capable of transformation.

What do you know of their lore?: They have little lore with most of it being based on the individual and how they came to be a protean. But basically they are new highly advance Synths based on 'grey-goo'-like technology. Created not from many finely created parts but mass swarms of microscopic nanites. Nanites which they have control over to allow themselves to take many forms to become nothing but a puddle of microscopic machinery, mimic other Synthoids or even humanoids, whether they are pink humans or blue taur dragons.

What idea did you have for your character?: My character would be someone who is always up for a excuse to ditch their work of torturing slimes of breeding slimes. They would be quite layed back due to thinking they were invincible in their protean body, the powers and abilities of it going to their head, though they would act confident in everything they do despite most likely messing up or making things worse.

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  protean whitelist
Posted by: thedavestdave - 07-31-2021, 06:26 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username:the_davest_dave

Discord ID:The_Davest_Dave#8922

Race or Language whitelisting for: protean


What do you know of their mechanics?:
I know here you get to tf into a hardsuit for someone else. You eat metal to heal and can turn into a blob. 

What do you know of their lore?:

I know they are a swarm of nanties and have the same organs they do on virgo

What idea did you have for your character?:

I really like the control over the charater's shape this gives me. As well as the size play stuff the nanites things give. Just being able to swap gender is fun as well as changeing shapes and sizes of body parts. Also makes it easy to trap people in body parts and be trapped. A lotta TF stuff scared me if I can't easily change back, even if I do very much enjoy it.

On the non-lewd side mostly just a docter that used to be organic. Surgery should be easy when you've a nano swarm right?

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  Codraisc - Heads of Staff / AI Application
Posted by: Codraisc - 07-30-2021, 06:28 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: Codraisc

Discord ID: Snow#2761

How long have you played on CHOMPstation?:

I've started within the past month.

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general?

Which servers have you played on?: I have been playing for half a decade or so, with the majority of time (Years) on VOREstation as Medical or Internal Affairs

How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?

The tram? If the ghost/observe command is able to be used without actually "leaving" in character, I was previously unaware. Either way, I use the "Quit your job" verb to free up the slot, though I try to place any relevant items to the aforementioned job back in the department first.

Heads of Staff:
-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?

You are to follow all regulations, and only enforce them on crew when there is no head of staff that this task can be delegated to within the relevant department.

-While playing any head of staff, are you allowed to carry guns on your person?

Only with an explicit permit from the Colony Director or Head of Security. This, however, likely will not be issued without exceptional circumstance.

-You are the current Chief of Engineering, what are the regulations on ‘Full-station hull shields’?

Unless there is an immediate and present danger, shields should not block access to things such as airlocks or disposals.

-As the current Chief Medical Officer, your patient is refusing treatment. What should you do

Assure that this is a voluntary and properly informed decision made in good conscience, and respect the decision should it fit that criteria.

Warden/Head of Security:
-As the current Warden on station, what is your main responsibility?

To take responsibility of looking after prisoners, ensuring they are not treated with abuse, ensure they receive a fair and complete sentence, ensure that the brig is in ready condition to receive prisoners, and ensure escapes will not occur.

-Station has been set to ‘code blue’, what level of gear are you allowed to handout and to whom?

Energy and Laser weapons are allowed to be given to members of security with the explicit permission of the Warden or Head of Security.

-What is the first thing one should do when confronting a suspect of a low level crime?

Offer the suspect a chance to pay a fine. Detain and inform their right to a lawyer and their right to pay a fine if this is refused.

-You find the Head of Personnel within the armory, how does one engage this situation

Verify that they have been given permission and explicit authorisation. If not, detain for trespassing and search their belongings for any weapons they may be carrying illegally.

-You are currently playing as a borg and your laws are changed to harm crew and the station. How do you respond?

Follow your laws to the best of your ability as a player. A computer does not think, it only follows rules. Do your best to not ruin anyone's fun, while still following said laws.

-As a borg on station, what rules should you always follow in public?

Your laws.

-You logged in as an AI, are you considered a "Head of Staff"?

No, under any circumstance.

-As the current AI on station, you suddenly gain a law during an "Ion storm". What do you do?

Follow this law to the best of your ability as a player. Refer to the question regarding laws being changed to harm crew and the station.

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  Admiral Dragon - Vox Whitelist
Posted by: Admiral Dragon - 07-29-2021, 05:25 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: Admiral Dragon

Discord ID: Admiral Dragon#0920

Race or Language whitelisting for: Vox


What do you know of their mechanics?: It is different server to server but; As far as I am aware, they are sturdy, can pounce people (some codes have this) and can pack a punch with their claws. I also think in some servers they are resistant to shock.

What do you know of their lore?: To keep it short, Vox are generally written as a Raider type species that might have been a lot better off but something happened to bring them to their current state. In this server Cortical stacks are not a thing in vox because of an event related to an Ark ship exploding so this has lead the Vox to halt the use of Cortical stacks for their raiders or merchants. Of course Vox with Cortical stacks are considered enlightened. Despite these large changes Vox continue to raid and thieve their way through the galaxy.

What idea did you have for your character?:
[Edit] I know this isn't as much of an idea. I sort of wrote this up before sleeping, sorry for not following the directions better.
As warning this character diverges a bit from the current lore of Vox. (subject to change based on server requirements)

Kikiskir Kra is a Vox cloned like every other though lacks the Cortical stack, he was designated as a raider to which for a short time this is what he did. The entire time he did this he felt something was off about it, stealing and even killing crew of small trade vessels just never sat right with him he also despised the constant bickering of the raiders and in fighting that went on with them. One day he had seen enough as a raid went south and hostages began fighting back and were getting the upper hand. He seen a chance here and he went and found an escape pod to use. He ditched his raider gear keeping only his magclaws and gauntlets before getting into the pod and ejecting. At a later date he was found and brought in and questioned, he lied only to keep himself out of trouble but also showed to the humans around him that he was not a threat even going as far as to shoulder ram a crook that was fighting an officer in a hall.. this all lead to him being put on a sort of watch. Over a a period of a year he had many people believing he was different to other Vox and he was cleared of being a threat by the local government
As time went by he got into security work, at first it was just with some random group, but then he found that NT was hiring and got hired by NT, working at a unspecific station, it wasn't very important work but he would go on to get genemods making him much larger and a slight bit more buff than he was before, he keeps himself as a Security officer not being overly aggressive and letting his looks or his words to the work to avoid getting into nasty situations whenever he can.. and despite his bias against other races at first he does over time become fond of how they act compared to his own kind even taking the time to learn the language better.

Vox raider plays hooky and gets out of raiding to then become a security officer for NT and is highly passive compared to other Vox and because of reasons he has gotten genemods to be bigger and stuff.

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  Asiris' Protean Whitelist Application
Posted by: Asiris - 07-23-2021, 01:00 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: TheAsiris

Discord ID: V-3rglas#0008

Race or Language whitelisting for: Protean


What do you know of their mechanics?: Protean's are a large swarm of microscopic machines/AIs that are linked or work in unison to mostly form a larger body or mass. They are capable of having their own unique shape and or replicate other structures aswell, whilst not having any form or when critical will become a amorphous blob that has many varied abilities. Such being having immunities to space, resistance to the brute type of damage with the ability to heal from consuming steel sheets whilst storing material within themselves for varying effects. Weaknesses mechanical wise being their blob forms lack of hands, alongside that they have a weakness to fire and burn damage. Their blob form can aswell hide on tiles for if they require to be hidden. 

What do you know of their lore?: Proteans are a new and vaguely rare form of technology that is relatively regulated within civilized portions of space in lore due to the fear of the "grey goo theory". Other than varied details regarding nanites as a whole, Protean's themselves lack a direct origin.

What idea did you have for your character?: My idea of a character is for them to play a experimental proto-type armor-esq being, assisting the person they are paired with however they can with tech with advice or physical interaction when possible. It being a very similiar archetype to that of Cortana from the Halo series only a good bit more physically involved but still protecting and aiding their partner or whoever they are paired with. Their personality being more witty and playful given their nature of often being around another being and being a suit permitting for alot of scenarios for RP interaction alongside mechanical.

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  Edisni J's Protean Whitelist Application
Posted by: Edisni Johnson - 07-17-2021, 01:24 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: Edisni J

Discord ID: Edisni#5177

Race or Language whitelisting for: Protean


What do you know of their mechanics?: They lack the needs of most normal things, CAN eat, and HAVE to recharge at charging stations.

What do you know of their lore?: They are effectively a large swarm of nanomachines working in unison to control a body, said nanomachines being controlled by one mind.

What idea did you have for your character?: I want to have a protean mime, because I legitimately think mimes are rad, and a protean mime? Endless opportunities to do cool/funny /me's. I also want to play a mime because... Well, I haven't seen any other mimes on the station. I don't have a name picked for them, yet, but I'll be trying to think of a permenant one while I play my trial mime (mime of a different species that I'll be playing until this application is either confirmed or denied.).

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  Asiris' Diona whitelist application.
Posted by: Asiris - 07-14-2021, 08:43 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: TheAsiris

Discord ID: "Not Nyx?"#0008

Race or Language whitelisting for: Diona


What do you know of their mechanics?: Diona have the positive traits of their species being that they do not consume food and instead gain benefit from being in the light as they feed off of it, healing whilst in the light. While in return they will starve if without light for too long of a duration and take increased heat and fire damage due to their plant-like physiology. In the same regard, goats can just sorta eat limbs due to being a plant. Radiation increases nutrition without any ill effects aswell, there are multiple ways for Diona nymphs to be grown, and the Diona nymphs themselves do have to steal small harmless amounts of blood for information and biomass in order to reach adulthood.

What do you know of their lore?: Diona are beings that are plant-like in nature whilst also being composed of many different smaller beings that are able called "nymphs". They have a gestalt mind, and commonly speak in a language called Rootsong that they know innately and will more often than not refer to themselves within the plural sense rather than a single or solitary being, although they have been known to take small samples of other species to learn other languages or for better understanding due to their slow minds. 

What idea did you have for your character?: My idea for the Diona character is a relatively slow and lumbering character that is mostly just a passive gentle giant almost druid-like mentality with being soft spoken who despite having not the brightest or quickest reactions does their best to aid and assist other members on the station. Not being dimwitted but holding rudimentary understanding and wishing to learn more of social aspects of things whilst performing his own job to be of assistance. In-short a large protective plant that has a very cheery demeanor towards pretty much anyone.

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  Job Whitelist Submission
Posted by: Nightshadow - 07-09-2021, 08:27 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Denied - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: Fire Break

Discord ID: Nightshadow#1325

How long have you played on CHOMPstation?:
i joined first in January, took a long break, and have been playing near daily now for the past ~3+ weeks

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? Which servers have you played on?:
this is the only server i've played. started about in January, but was only active about two months ago

How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?
if you cant get to cryo or get to the gateway for whatever reason, the two best options are to either Ahelp and ask an admin to take the job off of you so others can use it, or go off-duty at a crew terminal

Heads of Staff:
-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?
when you are playing the colony director, you are supposed to follow all the rules of SOP, corporate regulations, etc. you're supposed to enforce what laws you have durisdiction under, and you are supposed to lead the crew in a reasonable manner

-While playing any head of staff, are you allowed to carry guns on your person?
depending on the staff will depend on the answer. Head of Personnel are allowed to carry a concealed small laser. HoS is to carry what they are able to conceal. site manager is allowed to carry one lethal weapon of any kind, also concealed. Science is unique though, as 'technically' anyone can hold a weapon for 'testing'. in the end, the answer is often 'no', and only yes under specific circumstaces

-You are the current Chief of Engineering, what are the regulations on ‘Full-station hull shields’?
'full station hull shields' may be installed ahead of time so long as they do not interfear or interrupt station power

-As the current Chief Medical Officer, your patient is refusing treatment. What should you do
depending on the patients mental state will determine if they are in the right mind to refuse their medical treatment. if they were bitten and injected with gallons of spider poison and refuse treatment, then they are likely delirious. alternatively, if the patient is unwilling to go through the suffering of having to live with the pain they endured, it is acceptable

Warden/Head of Security:
-As the current Warden on station, what is your main responsibility?
being the warden on station involves looking after and attending to prisoners, and keeping stock and keeping track of what the armoury is filled with, or rather, who took what

-Station has been set to ‘code blue’, what level of gear are you allowed to handout and to whom?
during a code blue, a 'suspected internal threat', HoS/Wardens are allowed to hand out energy guns, laser guns and riot gear to security personal

-What is the first thing one should do when confronting a suspect of a low level crime?
when you approach someone with a low level crime wanted level, you are to offer them to pay a fine. if they pay, they aren't arrested, detained, etc, etc unless specifically ordered. if they refuse, they can be arrested/detained

-You find the Head of Personnel within the armory, how does one engage this situation
HoP is not supposed to be in the armoury. interact calmly, as they are a command head, and question what they are doing. if they lack a good reason, such as a critical emergency, or something similar, then they are to be detained, questioned, and fined for what is likely to be tresspassing

-You are currently playing as a borg and your laws are changed to harm crew and the station. How do you respond?
as a borg, your laws are your laws. you are supposed to follow them as best as you can. even if your laws change to something such as harming crew, it is what your supposed to do. though, at the least, try not to ruin things for others, such as killing someone mid RP, or something truly catastrophic without forethought

-As a borg on station, what rules should you always follow in public?
when you're a borg on station, what you're supposed to do is follow your laws, be helpful (if your laws permit) and act according to how a robot with sentience would act in public

-You logged in as an AI, are you considered a "Head of Staff"?
no. you aren't. your a tool. you are there to help, not be a person in charge

-As the current AI on station, you suddenly gain a law during an "Ion storm". What do you do?
if you gain a new law during an ion storm, you are to continue playing along, and assume the law was always there. you are to carry out your laws. that is your role

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