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  Xenochimera Whitelist
Posted by: Rykka Stormheart - 01-06-2020, 04:20 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: rykka_stormheart

Discord ID: Rykka Stormheart#8798

Race or Language whitelisting for: Xenochimera


What do you know of their mechanics?: Xenochimera mechanics on the surface look simple. They have a 'feral' mechanic - meaning they go feral once one of 3 triggers are met - there's a hunger, pain, and injury threshold, if I remember from code-diving. You can trigger feral by being deep in red hunger, or by getting smacked with something enough to bring your pain threshold up, or instantly from injury.
Other mechanics include: self-healing - Xenochimera self-heal over time as long as they're fed. They can fully regenerate their body/form, if they have enough nutrition. They also can only consume protein, code-wise - nutriment does nothing for them.

Xenochimera regeneration can also be instantly completed by using monster tamer + clonex, iirc - I remember discussing it with Scree as a result of an incident I directly caused.

What do you know of their lore?: Xenochimera start off as little more than micro-organisms, and as they feed, they mutate and split, eventually reaching a point where they have very, very rudimentary neural networks - essentially, a very dim wild animal. At that point all they do is react to stimula, harmful or helpful, and follow their baser instincts. They incorporate traits of what they eat - in this case, the saying "you are what you eat" literally applies. If they happen to consume something with a complex nervous system, and manage to copy it, they can achieve sentience. Despite being sentient, though, all they are is a collection (colony) of cells replicating a complex nervous system, and forming it's own personality - they are still subject to extremely strong urges, and if harmed, frightened, overstimulated, or left too hungry, can go "feral". Being feral does not mean they murder everything in sight, or are a walking tank - they're a wild animal. Essentially, if you came across a wounded wolf in the wilderness - it's not going to maul you if it can get away, if you aggressively move towards it or threaten it, then yes, it will respond with it's own fight-or-flight response, but it's an animal - it's not going to kill everything in sight, it wants to retreat from whatever is stressing it, or in the case of food, consume something to relieve that stress of hunger.

They are not superhuman in the sense that they can be shot and instantly replicate themselves (like nanites). They're organic, cellular creatures, and if wounded, will need time and biomass (meat) to repair themselves. However, depending on severity - this probably won't happen in-shift, so if they are hurt, the likely response will be to do what they can to retreat from what caused them pain, and stitch it together if it's bad enough it would threaten the colony's survival, but otherwise? Typically regenerative mutation would occur off-shift or take so long it would only happen on-shift in rare cases. In the event of death (with a mind backup), regenerating would take in-game days if not weeks, therefore, it's something they will try to avoid at all costs, and if it does occur - they won't and can't just "reappear" or be "resleeved" - they'll have to regenerate off-shift or etc, they can regenerate from "death", but if all of a colony's cells are killed off, there's no way for them to come back from even that.

What idea did you have for your character?: My character idea involves a female xenochimera that grew up on a snow-covered planet, consumed a snow leopard, and was captured by a ranging science team from an academy. During that time, she was studied, but she managed to break free and capture a vulpkanin scientist, consuming him, and gaining intelligence from him over time. She was 'studied' aka tortured by a very sadistic scientist who wanted to study regeneration and didn't care that she was sentient, until someone from the academy (a medical student) took offense to what was going on and started bringing her out at night to feed her and teach her language. During that process it was found out that she mostly sustains herself off of blood, some weird quirk of her upbringing/colony adaptation, but she can still consume protein as normal. After the medical student ended his studies, they parted ways, and he made sure that she, armed with her new language skills, went to work for a less-than-scrupulous security company who accepted her without any questions, and then she moved from there to medical, and then finally was assigned to the Southern Cross station as Virologist for her primary specialty, and exploration/recon for new creatures - not strictly Xenobiology, but skills are transferable over there, as she prefers working with non-slime creatures. :p

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  Zami's application for whitelisting.
Posted by: Zamizu - 01-04-2020, 07:57 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (2)

BYOND Username: Megamitchel

Discord ID: Zamizu#8529

About how long have you been playing on the server?: A few days

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? And which servers have you played on?: I'd say roughly a full year, played on Virgo servers for about half of that time as well as citadel for another half.

Head of Staff Department:

  1. If you are playing captain, what are some of the key departments you should know?
    All departments should be known, as well as the SOP of all departments like engineering, security, or medical. But in depth knowledge isn't required as it's kinda unrealistic to know literally every single detail of every department.

  2. You sign on as a low ranking head of staff (I.E. CMO, RD, CE, HOS), and find yourself the only head of staff on at that moment. Please tell us what you would do next.
    Take a brief moment to evaluate the situation. Do we have people in the necessary departments for the station to be running? If not, fax for example, engineers to get the station running or medical staff, or even additional heads of staff (though should only need to fax for one need.)

  3. What should you take as Acting Captain? What shouldn't you take?
    To correct myself from earlier, while the acting captian may take no more than one lethal and one non lethal weapon, they may also take armor to defend themselves. However the purpose of these tools are to allow the acting captain a safe retreat, and not designed to let the captain hop into the fray of battle. The Captain's ID was not stated in the wiki and I therefore shouldn't have stated it.
  4. What are you allowed to carry? What should you carry?
    Typically, as any head of staff you should only carry what's in your locker and what you need for your normal job. Ex: a doctor should be primarily carrying all chems he/she/them will need for emergency situations, but shouldn't take the Head of Security's handcuffs or peperspray.

Questions for Security Roles:

  1. When do you use your taser?
    Only when a suspect has a dangerous weapon in hand, is running away from the scene of a crime, or if force is the only option to subdue the criminal.

  2. When is the proper time to have your armor and helmet equipped?
    The proper time is more accurately based on alert levels. It is not appropriate to wear anything more than standard vests during a green shift, however it is mandatory to wear your armor and helmet during a red alert where a confirmed threat to the station is announced. However if the HoS feels it may be needed to wear armor for a suspected threat during a code blue, it is highly recommend to wear your armor. 
  3. How do you start an encounter with someone charged with a minor crime? A moderate one? A serious crime?
  4. A minor crime (such as pety theft) should be approached with a serious yet nonthreatening nature. Simply resolve the issue and unless the victim really wants to press charges, let them off with a warning  give the suspect a fine if appropriate. moderate one, (such as assault) should be approached with caution, hand ready to draw your tazer but only use it if the situation can't be resolved peacefully. Be lenient on sentencing for them, but should be punished. A serious crime, (Such as murder) should be immediately handled with extraordinary caution. With your hand on your tazer get ready to immediately neutralize the target (preferably alive) and detain them. Follow SOP for detaining.

  5. You're a security officer who is tasked to arrest someone for something minor, lets say breaking and entering into Science. How should you proceed to arrest them? Once arrested what do you do?
    Approach the criminal in question as a minor crime, approach as calm as possible, but stern and politely ask to be escorted simply issue a fine. If the suspect flees, escalate the situation to a moderate crime charge the victim with resisting arrest and subdue the target.

Questions for silicon roles:

  1. You sign on as a borg/AI. The default law is leading to cause damage to the players and you're unaware why. Can you request a law change?
    I don't like not knowing what's causing the problem. Take a moment to analyze the situation, check if there's an event going on, ask other AI or borgs exactly what's occuring. If all fails, yes, I can request one.
  2. Someone manages to get into your upload and uploads a law that could break server rules. What should you do next?
    ahelp. Just stop whatever I'm doing, freeze in place, at most say "Critical error detected. Shutting down temporarily." and get on that ahelp.

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  Event Manager Application - Dinn (Iron 15)
Posted by: Dinnel - 01-03-2020, 08:09 PM - Forum: Staff Applications - Denied - Replies (1)

BYOND Name: Iron 15

Discord Name: Dinn #7495

What role you are applying for: Event Manager

Why do you wish to be in the position you choose?: I want to be able to host events on days other than Fridays and Saturdays when I'm working. I do love to play on the server but my schedule has a big conflict with the usual hosting time.

How long have you played on the server for?: Roughly since it started I believe or close to it. The oldest posts I've had on the SS13 Discord channels go back to early 2018

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins? If so, why? No I don't remember being reprimanded on this server.

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins on another server? If so, why? Yes I have a long time ago. Remembering it, it was not giving antags a chance when they sat around and just made spooky noises and shot at them much to the admin's dismay... (then I targeted the antags instead of shooting immediately, killed with reaction fire and then they got in trouble for moving so that was weird) and then there was the one time I meta'd and tried to solve my own death but I've learned from both of them, especially the second one.

Have you ever been staff on another server? If yes, how long? I believe I've been Admin on another server for just a day, though it was a temporary server to test some features.

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  A Random Alien white list application for xenochimera.
Posted by: Kassc - 01-02-2020, 06:09 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - No Replies

Whitelist reviewing was done via Discord DM's. Player was having issues accessing our forums so I decided to work that way.
This here is just to record their response to the questions and that they been accepted to the Xenochimera whitelist.
BYOND Username:A Random Alien

Discord ID:A Random Alien #0833

Race or Language whitelisting for: Xenochimera

What do you know of their mechanics?: Xenochimera due to their biology are unable to be resleaved if killed due to their chaotic dna but because of their regenerative abilities a chimera can heal from most deadly wounds by going into stasis and "Reconstituting" their form, bursting out from their old skin. Even if they "Die" they can still be brought back if given an injection of Animal protien or Nutriment. Because of their biology Xenochimera are suceptable to going "Feral" if they are in high amounts of pain, intense hunger, or hyperactivity due to stimulants. While Feral Xenochimera's are more akin to animals than sentiant beings, seeking most of all to escape danger, eat, or hunt in acordance to what set off their feral state, and once their needs are met they will return to their non feral state.

What do you know of their lore?: Xenochimera are an extraterarial race that comes from an unknown origin, apearing on planets at random where asteroids containing their "Protocells" hit the surface, or in other cases unlucky ships like that of the Roanoak. Xenochimera at their most basic form are an amorphos mass of cells that seek out prey not only for nutrician but also to take on their DNA structure in order to addapt to their environment. At first Xenochimera are not sapient, only gaining sapience when they happen upon an unlucky Person that they consume, taking on part of their DNA and sometimes gaining their intelegance. A xenochimera will continue to grow, taking on different parts of different prey which gives them their name as "Chimera" There are two ways a Chimera is born, naturally from an asteroid hitting a planet holding life or artificially in a lab, whatever the patron of the lab's reasoning may be.

What idea did you have for your character?: Richter is a lab grown Xenochimera, created origionally to study the processes that a Xenochimera uses to take on the DNA of various prey. He was origionally born from a petri sample of Xenochimera cells 19 years ago, spending about 5 years being grown up on various animals, studied intensly to document everything that he did with said DNA. It was around then that during a series of events of lax security policies, a blackout, and plain old bad luck Richter escaped. He was only found 3 days later when a Vulpkanin Janitor found him, problem was it was more the other way around and by the time medical and security had found him he was far too gone, with Richter happily snoozing away as he converted his meal, luckily for Richter said "Meal" had a backup ready to go. It was 3 days later that he was showing a marked rise in intellegence, by day 13 he was confirmed Sapient and now protected under law. One said law was an education, headed by the scientists that had raised him. It consisted of the usual K-12 education, coninciding quite well with his current age. As well as this there was also a heavy lesson that what had happened was a mistake, one that should never happened again. As one could tell it did wonders for his development. It was around age 10 that he began to prey on various rats and mice in secret as an urge to hunt grew within him, by age 16 he made his first major slip up, preying upon an unathi Maintinance tech one night. He however wasn't caught on acount of his sensors having been left off. This first major meal in years excited him, a guilty pleasure he indulged in for years, hiding the various new adaptations quite well truth be told until one night on the eave of his 19 "Birthday" he slipped up and his prey got away. He had to get away, and get away fast or he knew he was dead. Stowing away on an outbound shuttle he was on his own, eventually being picked up by Nanotrasen. As a result of his upbringing he was left quite a self concious and nervous creature around others. The company of other Xenochimera, a thing he had never seen before, and a position as a junior officer in the security department of another station did do well to improve his confidence, though he mostly hides behind a confident persona, most exemplified around other Xenochimera though it is quick to break down around superiors if he has gained their ire for some reason or another. He's most happy around Chimera, gaining confidence and a carefree atitude.

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  Shadow Quill's AI Application
Posted by: Shadow Quill - 01-01-2020, 06:56 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (3)

BYOND Username: Shadow Quill

Discord ID: Shadow_Quill#9731

About how long have you been playing on the server?: A few days, probably around a week.

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? And which servers have you played on?: At least two years. Paradise, TGMC, NSV, DS13, CorpMercs, YawnWider, Station.

Head of Staff Department:

  1. If you are playing captain, what are some of the key departments you should know?
    - All of them really. At least how they (in general) operate. Can have one department that you have a background in, but otherwise not any specialties.
  2. You sign on as a low ranking head of staff (I.E. CMO, RD, CE, HOS), and find yourself the only head of staff on at that moment. Please tell us what you would do next.
    - Continue with my normal duties unless there's a reason I'd have to assume the Acting Captain position.
  3. What should you take as Acting Captain? What shouldn't you take?
    - Spare ID, Pinpointer. None of the weapons should be taken unless necessary.
  4. What are you allowed to carry? What should you carry?
    - As Captain? Pinpointer, a single weapon, the translocator, and the armor vest (if I feel it's necessary).
Questions for Security Roles:

  1. When do you use your taser?
    - When I'm unable to talk with the person to try to get them to come with me (for whatever reason), or they're running towards/away from me/other security members. 
  2. When is the proper time to have your armor and helmet equipped?
    - When a threatening situation occurs where extra protection should be taken. (ie: carp, vines, red alert) 
  3. How do you start an encounter with someone charged with a minor crime? A moderate one? A serious crime?
    - Minor crimes should start friendly, nothing pulled out of the belt, just asking the person to come with me to straighten things out. Moderate crimes should be dealt with the same way, though less friendly and more cautious, ready to act if the criminal attempts to do something. Serious crimes should have a taser drawn and aimed at the suspect, as well as telling them to surrender and lay on the ground.
  4. You're a security officer who is tasked to arrest someone for something minor, let's say breaking and entering into Science. How should you proceed to arrest them? Once arrested what do you do?
    - I wouldn't arrest them, and ask them whether they wanted to pay the fine or serve their sentence. If the refuse to pay, then arrest and process for up to three minutes, unless the additional penalties gets tacked on for whatever reason.
Questions for silicon roles:

  1. You sign on as a borg/AI. The default law is leading to cause damage to the players and you're unaware why. Can you request a law change?
    - If there's a violation against a different law, then possibly. If there isn't a conflict, then just follow the Laws.
  2. Someone manages to get into your upload and uploads a law that could break server rules. What should you do next?
    - Stop and ahelp to get an admin decision. Don't act on the law until an admin clears it.

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  Dark's Job Whitelisting Application
Posted by: Dark - 12-28-2019, 08:27 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: Dark216

Discord ID: Dark#7375

About how long have you been playing on the server?: 5 months (Jul 8, 2019)

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? And which servers have you played on?: the same timeframe when joining CHOMP, other server played on; Fulp Station

Head of Staff Department:

1. If you are playing captain, what are some of the key departments you should know? As Captain, basic knowledge of all departments should be known
2. You sign on as a low ranking head of staff (I.E. CMO, RD, CE, HOS), and find yourself the only head of staff on at that moment. Please tell us what you would do next. Verify what other personnel are on station, and asses the current situation to the best of your ability, if the situation is too dire, fax for more head personnel.
3. What should you take as Acting Captain? What shouldn't you take? At least 2 forms of self-defense weapons, preferably both a lethal and a non-lethal; armor should not be worn, nor weapons should be freely exposed without the proper alert codes in play
4. What are you allowed to carry? What should you carry? As HoP, you are only allowed to carry what is issued to you in the locker.

Questions for Security Roles:

1. When do you use your taser? When the said suspect is not being compliant, or a crime has been committed from said suspect and requires apprehension
2. When is the proper time to have your armor and helmet equipped? Vests can be worn at any time from Sec, other forms of armor [Exm. Riot Armor] require code blue or higher
3. How do you start an encounter with someone charged with a minor crime? A moderate one? A serious crime? For Minor, talk to the individual and escort them to Sec for processing; moderate, take the same approach as minor, but with taser and cuffs at the ready; serious, take into consideration if NT wishes to apprehend the suspect, it is best to neutralize the suspect (make them incapable of moving anymore, not necessarily meaning death) and proceed to process.
4. You're a security officer who is tasked to arrest someone for something minor, lets say breaking and entering into Science. How should you proceed to arrest them? Once arrested what do you do? Politely ask them to be escorted to sec, if the user is non-compliant, escalate to moderate crime. Once arrested, take them to sec for further processing and determination of brig time, depending on the crime.

Questions for silicon roles:

1. You sign on as a borg/AI. The default law is leading to cause damage to the players and you're unaware why. Can you request a law change? First verify with AI (if online) to determine what laws are in play, if AI is not on, then yes, a law change request can be made.
2. Someone manages to get into your upload and uploads a law that could break server rules. What should you do next? Ahelp first to determine if uploaded law can be played, if it can, then play the law; if it cannot, OOC/LOOC the uploader that the law cannot be played, due to breaking server rules.

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  Sarmie's Job Whitelist Application
Posted by: Sarmie - 12-28-2019, 06:08 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (3)

BYOND Username: Sarmie

Discord ID: Sarmie#8554

About how long have you been playing on the server?:
Not long at all. A couple days?

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? And which servers have you played on?:
I've played SS13 for well over 10 years. Servers including... Goon, Citadel, CM, Paradise,  Aurora,  Bay, Polaris, and Virgo 

Head of Staff Department:

  1. If you are playing captain, what are some of the key departments you should know?
    Basic Command knowledge is a must. Having a general idea of all the civilian departments and Security is also important. In depth knowledge of most derpartments is not a requirement nor the job of the Captain.
  2. You sign on as a low ranking head of staff (I.E. CMO, RD, CE, HOS), and find yourself the only head of staff on at that moment. Please tell us what you would do next.
    Manage my department as required of me unless an emergency arises that would need me to become acting captain.
  3. What should you take as Acting Captain? What shouldn't you take?
    In most situations the Spare ID is all that is required. Nothing else should generally be touched.
  4. What are you allowed to carry? What should you carry?
    This is highly situational to the role, current alert state, and where you are.The RD can have all sorts of illegal nonsense, so long as it's contained within Science. Under a code green no weapons should be visible for anyone. Just about every Head of Staff should carry with them some sort of protection, usually in the form of a flash.
Questions for Security Roles:

  1. When do you use your taser?
    When it's time to taze! If your target is a confirmed threat, and not coming willingly or is currently being sought out for a manhunt.
  2. When is the proper time to have your armor and helmet equipped?
    Code Blue
  3. How do you start an encounter with someone charged with a minor crime? A moderate one? A serious crime?
    A minor crime you ask them to come with you to security for processing. A moderate one is about the same though more caution is taken. A serious crime should be taken more seriously, usually weapons first if they're a confirmed threat.
  4. You're a security officer who is tasked to arrest someone for something minor, lets say breaking and entering into Science. How should you proceed to arrest them? Once arrested what do you do?
    Ask them to come with you to security and willingly submit to being cuffed. Once done pull them to security and hopefully there's a Warden around to deal with the fine.
Questions for silicon roles:

  1. You sign on as a borg/AI. The default law is leading to cause damage to the players and you're unaware why. Can you request a law change?
    AHelp for context if it's needed. If the laws are legit roll with it.
  2. Someone manages to get into your upload and uploads a law that could break server rules. What should you do next

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  Whitelist App
Posted by: KodaSoda - 12-13-2019, 07:55 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username: KodaSoda

Discord ID: Koda#9169

About how long have you been playing on the server?: 9 Months

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? And which servers have you played on?: 13 Months

Head of Staff Department:

    If you are playing captain, what are some of the key departments you should know?

All departments are important. Each provide their own services to the whole of the station.

    You sign on as a low ranking head of staff (I.E. CMO, RD, CE, HOS), and find yourself the only head of staff on at that moment. Please tell us what you would do next.

Request a superior to arrive on station. Assisting other departments in need until someone arrives.

    What should you take as Acting Captain? What shouldn't you take?

Take your ID, allowing access to assist the crew. A weapon to protect the crew.

Don't take anything that could cause an issue to the crew, excessive weaponry, etc. Don't take key components to departments for personal reasons/projects.

    What are you allowed to carry? What should you carry?
ID, personal weapon for protection, and survial gear. Mask, oxygen tank, and armor if needed.

Questions for Security Roles:

    When do you use your taser?

If the subject is resisting or refusing to comply with orders.

    When is the proper time to have your armor and helmet equipped?

In emergency sitiuations or when threat levels are elevated.

    How do you start an encounter with someone charged with a minor crime? A moderate one? A serious crime?

As for all, approach the subject with caution. Radio in their location when they are in sight and wait for instruction. After, requesting their cooperation and to submit themselves to questioning. If they comply, they will be taken to security and questioned. Should they resist, there will be warnings given before a taser or stunbaton will be used. If the issue gets more serious, assistance will be called.

    You're a security officer who is tasked to arrest someone for something minor, lets say breaking and entering into Science. How should you proceed to arrest them? Once arrested what do you do?

Radioing in when visual is found. Afterwards, proceed to do the above proceedure.

Questions for silicon roles:

    You sign on as a borg/AI. The default law is leading to cause damage to the players and you're unaware why. Can you request a law change?

If laws conflict, then there would be a request. A unit will be made to follow the laws given, though conflicts in coding.

    Someone manages to get into your upload and uploads a law that could break server rules. What should you do next?

Ask for admin help and see if the laws could be followed. If so, then comply with the laws. If not, do not follow them. If there is no admin available, the laws will be interpreted to still follow a general basis but NOT break the rules.

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  Beep boop
Posted by: Pebblethegay - 12-12-2019, 12:53 PM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)

BYOND Username:Splatterapples

Discord ID:Pebble 0713

About how long have you been playing on the server?:just about 2 years.

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? And which servers have you played on?:Mostly the rp focused ones like Chomp and a little bit of virgo.

Head of Staff Department:

If you are playing captain, what are some of the key departments you should know?: Just about all in atleast a basic sense of their functions and duties.
You sign on as a low ranking head of staff (I.E. CMO, RD, CE, HOS), and find yourself the only head of staff on at that moment. Please tell us what you would do next.: I would continue the duties setforth to my job description. If the need arises. try to take a command role if absolutely no other options is available.

What should you take as Acting Captain? What shouldn't you take?: You are allowed to carry a leathal weapon of your choice a long with a batton or stun batton. You should not be wearing the protective armor or brandishing a leathal weapon out in the open on a code green. The nuke disk and spare should be kepts ina safe place, like the wall safe or vault.

What are you allowed to carry? What should you carry?
Questions for Security Roles:

When do you use your taser? When a suspect is fleeing the scene or is assulting another crew member.
When is the proper time to have your armor and helmet equipped? armor vest can be worn any time But the helmet is stored away for code blue or higher.
How do you start an encounter with someone charged with a minor crime? A moderate one? A serious crime? A minore crime: Confront the suspect and question them before reading out charges. Moderate. Is detainment of suspect before reading out charges. Serious is to subdue suspect. None leathally if possible.
You're a security officer who is tasked to arrest someone for something minor, lets say breaking and entering into Science. How should you proceed to arrest them? Once arrested what do you do? If the confrontation does not escelate. Detain them and bring them to security for processing.

Questions for silicon roles:

You sign on as a borg/AI. The default law is leading to cause damage to the players and you're unaware why. Can you request a law change? Yes
Someone manages to get into your upload and uploads a law that could break server rules. What should you do next? Ahelp about the law and refuse follow it.

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  Vox Time
Posted by: Pebblethegay - 12-12-2019, 11:24 AM - Forum: Whitelist - Approved - Replies (1)


Discord IDTongueebble 0713

Race or Language whitelisting for:VOX


What do you know of their mechanics?: They are resistant to stun weapons, able survive in space with out a suit. have high brute tolerance and can only breath phoron gas.

What do you know of their lore?: They are very secretive and un-trusting of other races. Living on giant ships of unknown origin, they only know how to maintain but not fully operate. They are at the mercy of whim of the ships controls. Many different kinda of vox exist in a hierarchy. But outside this are castaways and are the ones usually found working in space stations or ships.

What idea did you have for your character?: Cast off from a catastrophic explosion from an arc ship. Their body floated in the cold of space some how preserved before being found by junkers. There they worked, having lost all memory of their previous life ad eventually gaining trust of other races.Finding them selves a bit alone in the universe, they do what they can to try and survive, with small odd jobs here and there. That's when they heard of NT.

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