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Asiris' Moderator Application.

Discord Name:
Slag / Truth

What role you are applying for:

Why do you wish to be in the position you choose?:
I have a desire to be able to assist the community of which i have been playing within for quite sometime, overall merely having the ability to help amend or deal with in-server problems and issues and assisting players. Keeping guidelines steady so that the game may be enjoyed in a smooth fashion for the player-base.

How long have you played on the server for?:
I have been playing on the server for around a year and a half now. Recently for around 3 months i have been decently consistent with playing the game when in my freetime.

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins? If so, why?
No. I have never been confronted or even warned within the server.

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins on another server? If so, why?

Have you ever been staff on another server? If yes, how long?
I have never been staff before upon a SS13 server.

What do you want to gain from being staff?
What i gain is mostly the ability to help with in-game issues and resolve them, or at the very least give some assurance that RP and Rules are abided when others are on the server. Some better understanding of how the game works as a whole aswell would be a gain that would come from being staff aswell, as i do wish to learn what i can to improve my ability to resolve and talk to others.

How do you see yourself in the future of the server?

If the application is accepted, i see myself in the future continuing my usual demeanor of playing upon the server and trying to encourage Role-play and interactions, now merely in addition to being eager or atleast wishing to learn the ropes of how to properly perform alot of the roles and aspects that are needed for staff.

What do you want to offer to the community?

I wish to offer the community mostly my time and effort as a whole to mostly encourage fun whilst assuring rules are followed. I have quite alot of freetime and i wish to dedicate it into learning a new thing, such as moderation on the server. Offering effort and willingness to help and be a person that players can talk to for assistance. Note: I am new and unfamiliar with how the commands and systems of the game work in regards to staffing, so i am quite new/fresh in that regard, but i do genuinely wish to learn and show eagerness towards the role as a whole.

What times are you most active? Please include your time zone as we'd like to cover schedule gaps if possible.
The times that i am most active are often in the very early mornings. Such as 2am - 11am is when i am commonly online, with occasion of my activity being during the late afternoon of 6pm-1am. I live in the MST timezone. 


If you have been a mod/admin in elsewhere, is there anybody who can provide a recommendation?
I have not been a mod/admin anywhere else before. Hence my eagerness to try and learn at the very least. I did get a nudge/recommendation to atleast give such a shot by BlackMajor.

We are here to offer a service to the community; as a moderator, how do you want to be represented?
I would like to be represented as someone who is approachable at the very least if not encouraging of most aspects of the game, advocating for players to have fun while assuring that guidelines are still held in-place. Overall i desire to be represented by being mellow and encouraging atleast amongst the community.

Messages In This Thread
Asiris' Moderator Application. - by Asiris - 04-20-2022, 04:02 PM
RE: Asiris' Moderator Application. - by Razgriz - 04-24-2022, 05:06 AM

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