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Maragoldenheart job whitelist application
BYOND Username:Maragoldenheart

Discord ID: Mara Goldenheart#9190

How long have you played on CHOMPstation?:

I playing on Chompstain more then month for now.

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? Which servers have you played on?:

I not played on other server only in Chompstation for more then a month.

How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?

Go to the nearest clock go off-duty, ghost and "Quit the round" to free up my job slot.

Heads of Staff:
-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?

With try follow the coporative regulation i should not order anyone and have to follow the chain of command.

-While playing any head of staff, are you allowed to carry guns on your person?

Well not every head of staff can carry weapon but if they do it's need to be hidden and used for self defense only. Site manager can carry for example non-lethal weapon only and only for self defense.

-You are the current Chief of Engineering, what are the regulations on ‘Full-station hull shields’?

They are encouraged as long as no airlocks been blocked by them. But only put shields to 100% if serious danger like meteors approching the station then Full shield more then recommended.

-As the current Chief Medical Officer, your patient is refusing treatment. What should you do?

Would accept they opinion but warn them about the consquences with this refusal and let them go since treatment can't be forced on anyone. If i have knowladge about the person mentaly unstable i would ask for security's help.

Warden/Head of Security:
-As the current Warden on station, what is your main responsibility?
Manage the brig. Make sure my inmates are well-kept and unable to leave and question any tresspasser. Handing security personnel they needed gear for example get them protection and weaponry at code red situation.

-Station has been set to ‘code blue’, what level of gear are you allowed to handout and to whom?
Energy/Laser guns, riot gear once approved by HoS/Warden.

-What is the first thing one should do when confronting a suspect of a low level crime?
Asses situation. Collect evidence and question the suspect would be the first thing i would do.

-You find the Head of Personnel within the armory, how does one engage this situation?
Would question them how they get in or if someone would let them in. After that if it's tresspasing (no code red or blue in action) going with standards ask them to leave, might fine them make sure they take no gear or weaponry.

-You are currently playing as a borg and your laws are changed to harm crew and the station. How do you respond?

I would carry out my laws as stated. But if those would break any server rule or make me a troll i would Ahelp that law to be safe.

-As a borg on station, what rules should you always follow in public?

My given laws. And the standard procedure for the borg job aswell following the server rules.

-You logged in as an AI, are you considered a "Head of Staff"?

No im not. Im an assistant who is here to help not to rule.

-As the current AI on station, you suddenly gain a law during an "Ion storm". What do you do?

Carry them out as written. Once again if that break server rules or make me a troll would Adminhelp that law to make sure to be safe.

Messages In This Thread
Maragoldenheart job whitelist application - by Maragoldenheart - 12-26-2020, 07:55 PM

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