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Muffindrake Job Whitelist Application
I haven't actually set foot on a station as security, nor do I intend to, so those concepts are a little more foreign to me. I am more familiar with CMO privileges/rights/duties rather than anything else minus Cyborgs. I couldn't set up a potato battery engine to save my life, either.

It's correct that those head positions aren't allowed to carry weapons, but it's not like security has a right to search them without proper cause.

Besides that, yes, a fine is a possible way to allow someone to avoid arrest, or it should be. During one shift, I assaulted (or more like severely maimed) another character in Medical because they were literally dragging a patient away while I was treating them (which due to the delicate nature of the treatment I was attempting, was killing them very fast). The validhunting security players that appeared to sit around as ghosts prior to the incident, or were called by friends to join in, just told me to 'report to security' rather than attempting an arrest (or hell, letting me pay a fine).

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RE: Muffindrake Job Whitelist Application - by Muffindrake - 10-23-2020, 05:32 PM

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