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Rykka_Stormheart Dev Application

Discord Name:
Rykka Stormheart#8798

What role you are applying for:

Why do you wish to be in the position you choose?:
My primary aim is to assist the server in quieter times, offer assistance in the form of resolving issues on-the-fly that come up with the server, as well as helping with spawn requests and assisting headstaff with tasks that need doing code-wise (or map-wise.) My primary drive is the same as it's always been: to help, and to keep the server I enjoy alive and afloat.

How long have you played on the server for?:
Roughly about two or so years, joined in... 2020-ish after taking a break from VOREStation

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins? If so, why?
Not directly, but over Discord, I was... difficult to work with about two or so years in the past, when I was not respectful of the time and effort headmins have put in, and not cognizant of the server issues that put additional strain on headstaff. It resulted in a warning from Razgriz/headstaff informally, (at least, to my knowledge - if it's on my file, I'll correct this post.) 
I'd apologized, and I believe, resolved things, but I understand that my actions then may have put a damper on anything in the future. I've put forth serious work to improve myself, my response to feedback, and how I conduct myself around folks, in the interest of being a better person, and a better contributor.

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins on another server? If so, why?
I was warned, I believe... once? On VORE for getting into a fight as a pAI and refusing orders, when I was newer and dumb. Beyond that, no.

Have you ever been staff on another server? If yes, how long?

What do you want to gain from being staff?
The capability to assist in spawn requests, fixing server-side issues, monitoring performance hits and helping out with staff workload where possible. Perhaps toss in some playful spice if requests come up for it. I'd also like to continue furthering my .dm and TGUI skills, and learn how to better assist with events.

How do you see yourself in the future of the server?
Eventually, I'd like to work my way towards maintainer (though I believe that's specifically for trusted staff, and for good reason). I'd like to see myself in a position where my primary focus is assisting with headstaff requests and things that need work, or small things that fall through the cracks, to help with QoL on the server.

What do you want to offer to the community?
My dev + mapping skills, positive attitude, and willingness to help, especially during the later hours, but even if my schedule changes, my primary goal is the same - helping the staff and userbase out as best I can with the tools available to me, be it by fixing incoming PRs, diagnosing issues serverside/code-wise, or assisting with ahelps for spawn requests/etc.

What times are you most active? Please include your time zone as we'd like to cover schedule gaps if possible.
MST time zone, but I am currently active around 2200-0800 USTZ (MST), though hours currently vary as I'm unemployed. I'm going to likely pick up overnight work, however, meaning that if it follows a similar schedule to what I expect, my hours will shift to being semi-available on Discord around 2200-0800, and on the server from 0800 onwards. I'll keep staff updated on my availability.

What expertise can you offer to the staff team (e.g. mapping, coding, etc.)?
I have done some mapping work, but my primary focus has been ports, QOL features, and small adjustments, which I'll link below.

Can you show any examples of your work (github PR’s count)?

Reactor Defense (PR)
Ambient Sounds Update 3.0 (Weather + Environmental)
Heavyweight Trait Tweaks + Stun/Weaken Modifier
Softwarn/Smaller, backend tweaks to fix compiler issues/slowdowns
Belly Fullscreens + Fancy Vore features for simplemobs
Pred-Pref + Prey-Pref tags for Char Directory, Small QOL Tweak
Rats + Oregrubs added to mountains, and Rabbit belly

Masterlist, for easier browsing:
A list of all PRs I've ever made to CHOMPStation

On VORE, I've done:
Refactor of the /maps/ folder, into what it is today
Small, QOL fix for mercs not warning players
Modularization of Engine Submaps (for greater flexibility, and easier time for newer contributors)
Repeating Ambience + Prefs
Mech Toy Battles (Ported + Adapted from /tg/)
I wrote the readmes that sit in the /guides/ folder, as well as the VSCode readme pinned in staff channels, and the Guide to Connecting to VOREStation for the first time (pinned in #cadet-academy, on VORE.)
I was the one behind the massive ambience + sound ports from multiple codebases, as well as an upstream port from CHOMP -> Polaris
Medbot Tipping Port
Aurora Cooking (This still has issues that need fixing - it is on my TODO list, and it has met with mixed feedback as a result of issues being left to linger. That is on me.)
I fixed hot/cold warn messages not displaying (hotfix, could've been done better)
Several Persistence fixes related to paper

Masterlist, for easier browsing:
A masterlist of all PRs I've made on VORE, Open/Closed/Etc

I also have a Trello, where I try my best to keep track of current projects, completed ones, and planned/suggested ones, as well as port TODOs.
This was jointly shared with my ex, but she has stated she's dropped all forms of SS13 citing mental health reasons, and we are no longer together, so the board status is a WIP.
Trello Board Link

If there's any further questions, I'm always available via Discord, and I'll check this thread daily as I can. <3

Messages In This Thread
Rykka_Stormheart Dev Application - by Rykka Stormheart - 02-28-2022, 06:36 AM

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