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Asiris' Heads and AI Whitelist Application.
"How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?
Inform staff of the situation using Ahelp and that you are currently having to leave. After such, ghosting and quitting the round is permitted."
* You don't have to inform staff that you are leaving an extended round but rather make sure you quit the round properly. Cryo, Gateway, or using ``quit round`` commands will make sure to clear the job slot for someone else.

"-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?
As the Colony Director, it is the duty of the role to follow and enforce Corporate regulations alongside Standard Operating Procedure among the crew."
* Yes and no, your priority as CD will always be SOP over Corp-Regs. It is not your responsibility to enforce Corp-Regs but at best offer guidance unless it's an emergency. You either contact the security department to handle it or fax for security if we are lacking it.

Besides these two, the rest are very on spot!~. I will go on and give you the green flag and add you to the whitelist.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Asiris' Heads and AI Whitelist Application. - by Kassc - 06-25-2021, 04:50 PM

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