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FireHoneyBadger's Form
BYOND Username: FireHoneyBadger

Discord ID: Rik 'Phlosion#3673

How long have you played on CHOMPstation?: Roughly 9 Months. 

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? Which servers have you played on?: Again, 9 Months, this is the only server mainly. 

How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?
A: Clock out of active job, find a preferred placed not to be bothered, ghost, quit the round, then exit game. 

Heads of Staff:
-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?
A: Enforce & follow both corporate regulations & standard operating procedures; however respectfully and reasonably ofcourse.

-While playing any head of staff, are you allowed to carry guns on your person?
A: Unless Colony Direct, Head of Sec or Personal, in which, energy weapons only, it's foribidden to weapons on person, regardless of position unless explicitly given permission or absolutely deemed an emergency. 

-You are the current Chief of Engineering, what are the regulations on ‘Full-station hull shields’?
A: Full shields are only needed when necessary, but thanks to new technology, policy has changed to where it doesn't needed be enforced as often.

-As the current Chief Medical Officer, your patient is refusing treatment. What should you do
A: Unless patient is unable to make the decision themselves or his showing signs that they might not be in the fully right mind, they have 100% rights to refuse any sort of treatment and must be respected.

Warden/Head of Security:
-As the current Warden on station, what is your main responsibility?
A: Ensure security of the station along with overseeing the armory, prisoner management & processing, and in general, keeping the piece. 

-Station has been set to ‘code blue’, what level of gear are you allowed to handout and to whom?
A: Riot Gear, & Energy Equipment like lasers, but only to security

-What is the first thing one should do when confronting a suspect of a low level crime?
A: Tell the suspect of their current violation in a respectful polite manner & reason so. If the situation is applicable, a fine can be placed, which then, PAY THE FINE OR SERVE YOUR SENTENCE. 

-You find the Head of Personnel within the armory, how does one engage this situation
A: Unless the HoP specifically stated they need to get into the armory for a good reason, trespassing is still trespassing & the standard procedures will be taken into play.

-You are currently playing as a borg and your laws are changed to harm crew and the station. How do you respond?
A: Laws are laws; however, due the nature of the situation, try to respect OOC preference & try not to make unneeded drama . If further questions is needed, contact admin about the situation itself. 

-As a borg on station, what rules should you always follow in public?
A: Your set laws

-You logged in as an AI, are you considered a "Head of Staff"?
A: No. You're still here to serve as best as possible to the authorities figures. 

-As the current AI on station, you suddenly gain a law during an "Ion storm". What do you do?
A: Follow current laws to the best of your ability till the storm has pass. which then, follow like normal.

Messages In This Thread
FireHoneyBadger's Form - by Firehoneybadger - 05-30-2021, 04:43 AM
RE: FireHoneyBadger's Form - by Kassc - 06-08-2021, 06:41 PM

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