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Shadekin KodaSoda
BYOND Username: KodaSoda

Discord ID: Koda#9169

Race whitelisting for: Shadekin


What do you know of their mechanics?: They are entities that phase in and out between the "Dark", Real Space, and Red Space. They regenerate energy from darkness or eating food. Some abilities such as 'Heal Other' and 'Create Shade' can be used as well for different effects.

What do you know of their lore?: The shadekin are an enigmatic race that many in real space have little knowledge about given their elusiveness. They phase in and out in random intervals and are hard to contain due to this. So study is effectively impossible unless they allow it. They live in a dimension known as the "Dark" which goes off the perception of those within. They grow what's known as the "Hub" by collecting ideals from other places. Their physical traits are affected by what areas they stay within the longest. Blue eyes stay within real space and are generally harmless and peaceful. Red eyes tend to be more aggressive in their desires and some sometimes be considered hostile. Green eyes stay within the 'Dark'. There are mixed colors as well. They also prefer to 'speak' to one another through sheer emotion, usually expressed by their eyes and ears. They rarely have names, but go off deeds if they do receive a name.

What idea did you have for your character?: Quic (Since they don't know exactly how to spell it themselves) has previously visited the station a few times. Given the name by the crew due to their speed and elusiveness within the tunnels. Purple-eyed in nature, it with toy and often mess with the crew, though not maliciously. Quic draws more from their blue, passive nature. However loves to indulge in their desires to toy with 'prey', who is simply just their target for the moment. Popping in, giving them pats, hugs, licks, or maybe just to give them a gift. Likely to be seen traveling the maintenance tunnels in search of mice or other prey to keep their hunger at bay. Quite possibly to join Cargo at some point, since they can hang out in an area away from others and turn off most of the lights in there unless needed to do so otherwise.

Messages In This Thread
Shadekin KodaSoda - by KodaSoda - 05-20-2021, 08:29 AM
RE: Shadekin KodaSoda - by Nadyr - 05-28-2021, 08:30 AM

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