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Westfire EM application

BYOND Name: Westfire

Discord Name: Westfire#8083

What role you are applying for: Event Manager

Why do you wish to be in the position you choose?:
I want to help expand the number of EMs we have and help make some more fun, memorable events for the community!

How long have you played on the server for?:
I have played on the server since May 2020, though I was in an out for a bit before then

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins? If so, why?
I have not

Have you ever been banned, warned, or otherwise reprimanded by admins on another server? If so, why?
I have been banned on Virgo due to toxicity

Have you ever been staff on another server? If yes, how long?
I have not

What do you want to gain from being staff?
The ability to help plan and carry out events for the server and take some of the workload off of Kasssc

How do you see yourself in the future of the server?
I'm not quite sure. However I am perfectly content to just be an EM as long as I can be!

What do you want to offer to the community?
Fun, chill events and ideas, and just helping spread the workload off our current EM staff.

What times are you most active? Please include your time zone as we'd like to cover schedule gaps if possible.

I'm not too active during most of the week, however Fridays are most certainly open. Saturday is a little tentative, and Sunday is off for the daytime. My timezone is GMT-7

If you have been a game host in the past, how good have you been at improvising? This doesn’t need to be ss13 and could involve examples such as being a Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master.
As someone who has GMed and is GMing Pathfinder sessions, I feel I'm fairly good at improvising and adapting, generally to make things more fun and fair for the players, but also to just make things more interesting beyond what the adventure paths provide.

This is the most stressful position in the staff team; how well do you handle negative community feedback?

I'm fairly good with constructive criticism. Naturally simple insults and accusations will get a little under my skin, but as a wannabe writer I'm always happy for the chance to take feedback and improve my style.

Messages In This Thread
Westfire EM application - by Westfire - 03-20-2021, 06:05 AM

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