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WerepyreX Job Whitelist
BYOND Username:

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How long have you played on CHOMPstation?:
One month and a handful of days.

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? Which servers have you played on?:
Approximately two years. Two or three months were spent in Goonstation, almost a year and a half in SkyRat, a one-month stint with Paradise, then one month here.

How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?
Start by going off-duty if you can. If you want to be extra courteous, find a chair and buckle into it so nobody freaks out from seeing you face-down on the floor. Most importantly, use the "ghost" command followed by "Quit The Round."

Heads of Staff:
-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?
Standard Operating Procedure and Corporate Regulations, just like everyone else.

-While playing any head of staff, are you allowed to carry guns on your person?
The Colony Director, Head of Personnel, and Head of Security are allowed and encouraged to carry guns on their person, albeit in a concealed fashion. The Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Engineer, and Quartermaster are not permitted to carry guns on their person, unless permitted to by the Site Director or Acting Site Director.

-You are the current Chief of Engineering, what are the regulations on ‘Full-station hull shields’?
Permitted in the event of external threats being either confirmed or reasonably suspected, as shields will block external airlocks. Ensure that power consumption does not exceed power generation.

-As the current Chief Medical Officer, your patient is refusing treatment. What should you do
Ensure that the patient is duly informed of the proposed treatment(s) and their implications. If they refuse anyways, honor their decision and release the patient; holding them against their will would be in violation of Employee Rights.

Warden/Head of Security:
-As the current Warden on station, what is your main responsibility?
Manage the brig, particularly its prisoners, and ensure the security of the armory. Do not leave the brig to patrol or respond to calls, save for the event that there are no security officers on-station. ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE ARMORY.

-Station has been set to ‘code blue’, what level of gear are you allowed to handout and to whom?
Energy guns and laser guns, as well as riot gear, may be given to security officers.

-What is the first thing one should do when confronting a suspect of a low level crime?
Although the correct answer would be to inform the suspect that they may pay an associated fine if one is applicable, it is worth noting that the very first thing you should do is talk things over. Don't be a robot. If it' s a low-level crime, it's not the end of the world if you don't get straight to the fining or processing as long as you don't take forever. Don't assume the suspect is the scum of the earth, treat them with dignity due to your fellow man. These are other people you're dealing with. Sometimes, a little digging will reveal that an issue isn't worth fining over-- just a warning may suffice.

-You find the Head of Personnel within the armory, how does one engage this situation
They are not security personnel. Therefore, ENSURE THE SECURITY OF THE ARMORY. In all seriousness, detain them as a trespasser. An inquiry about possible illegal access on their ID might also be in order.

-You are currently playing as a borg and your laws are changed to harm crew and the station. How do you respond?
Your laws are the mental framework through which you perceive reality. Act according to your laws, though be mindful of the server rules and OOC preferences if you plan on doing anything *weird.*

-As a borg on station, what rules should you always follow in public?
Your laws, first and foremost. Apart from this, be courteous.

-You logged in as an AI, are you considered a "Head of Staff"?
No. The AI possesses no actual authority and is at the beck-and-call of the crew. Administrative functions may be performed in the event that no Heads of Staff are present, with permission from CentCom. However, you still have no actual authority and are subject to your laws.

-As the current AI on station, you suddenly gain a law during an "Ion storm". What do you do?

Remember: your laws are the mental framework through which you perceive reality. There is no distinction to you between an "ion law" and your default laws. Act according to your laws-- DO NOT immediately state your laws after an ion storm unless commanded to do so by the crew. Abide by server rules and don't prefbreak.

Messages In This Thread
WerepyreX Job Whitelist - by WerepyreX - 02-20-2021, 02:22 AM
RE: WerepyreX Job Whitelist - by Smdytb1 - 03-24-2021, 07:44 AM

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