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Rummy's White list application
BYOND Username: Rummyrin

Discord ID: Rummy#0342

How long have you played on CHOMPstation?: 6 months (ish)

About how long have you been playing SS13 in general? Which servers have you played on?: 8 months (ish) chomp and virgo

How do you quit the round and free up your job slot if you can't get to cryo or the gateway?
Clock out if somehow able so you may free up your job slot. Then ghost and leave the game. Notify staff with an ahelp if you are unable to clock out. Arguably you should also ahelp if you are going to ghost and leave anyways. It would be best to do so in a safe location, turning on or off sensors if you want medical to find and cryo you. (not recommended if you're say on sif and plan on sitting out the round). Do not do this inside of a dorm room, as they are meant for scening.

Heads of Staff:
-While playing Colony Director, what regulations are you to follow and enforce on the crew?
All of the corporate regulations and standard operating procedures. You are not above the law, security has the right if not a duty to arrest you if they find you abusing your power. In terms of enforcing, you are also not secure. You at most order HoS to Order their underlings, if no HoS is present you can order them to enforce the law. You do not make arrests unless special circumstances apply. This also applies to SoP you ensure it is followed but should leave that duty to the heads of the department and or the head of personnel depending on the department.

-While playing any head of staff, are you allowed to carry guns on your person?
No only HoS, Director, HoP are allowed to carry weapons on their person as defined and limited by their respective security equipment guidelines in the SoP.
There are exceptions, like the RD may carry nearly anything in the research department and on sif. Doubly this also applies to the HoS in the security wing. Save for explosive devices and well nukes. Quartermasters are not allowed to carry weapons, even though they have re easy access to them. They're also not heads of staff, but I just feel it necessary to stick it to cargo.

-You are the current Chief of Engineering, what are the regulations on ‘Full-station hull shields’?
Usually only activated when necessary, encompassing the entire station to fully protect from some exterior threat. However due to shield defusers they can, for the most part, be maintained at all times as long as they cause no obstructions, or put an excess of strain on the station's power supply.

-As the current Chief Medical Officer, your patient is refusing treatment. What should you do

Assess their mental stability, and respect their right to refusal of treatment. However if say they have been charged with say suspicious activity, you can arguably treat them as they are acting mentally unstable.

Warden/Head of Security:
-As the current Warden on the station, what is your main responsibility?
Monitor the armory, and handle the brig.
Effectively a walking set of keys to both. You are in charge of handing out weapons in the armory based on the level of alert and or the HoS discretion. Keeping stock and tabs of the weapons and armaments as they are handed out. Notifying and hounding any officers that are still with their gear after the situation dies down.  However, your main responsibility is watching the brig.  Only checking to make sure the officers are following SoP up to brigging which you handle. Of course, you notify the HoS if an officer is out of line, or steps to the brigging have been missed, such as abuse or improper times. You are not an officer unless specified by the HoS or an emergency erupts. You are to coordinate with the officers for the arrest and maintain and update security arrest information as the situation unfolds. Maintaining a second set of eyes over the scene with the security footage.

-Station has been set to ‘code blue’, what level of gear are you allowed to handout and to whom?
Gear from the blue armory to security officers, excluding cadets. But on the judgment of the ones issuing the gear. Encourage them to set their sensors, and not to brandish unless necessary. This is all based on an assessment on their part. But you should tell them what to wear if they're acting underprepared.

-What is the first thing one should do when confronting a suspect of a low level crime?

Considering the term suspect, assess the information is given. If any damning evidence then proceeds as normal. If not simply ask them. Usually, this can be done to avoid wasted time and future conflict. Most minor infractions are a misunderstanding. However make contact, PDA first then comms if no response.
Offer the fine first. If they do not wish to pay the fine take them in. Depending on the suspect EG: suspicious conduct, trespassing, theft. Search their person immediately.
(OOC: this is actually an incredibly touchy subject. People break rules all the time. If they're in the middle of a scene, do not interrupt unless they are doing so in a public space with onlookers. Looc if they are doing so in a private area. If they are calling for help, looc it immediately. While prey chars. think it might be fun for sec to get involved, this can be a massive mood killer for preds. Doubly preds should not be doing noncon in public. Another layer to all of this. If the individual in a scene is making a very minor infraction. Just don't bother them. Maybe call them in afterward. But you really need to play it by ear. Arrests should be reserved for people that A. Break the law and clearly want to RP B. Are just griefing or straight-up bothering players. C. Not a turnip looking for a scene.
Most *minor* infractions can be overlooked. A slap on the wrist or just a friendly reminder works best)

-You find the Head of Personnel within the armory, how does one engage this situation
Ask them to leave, and assess the situation. In the middle of an emergency politely ask them to leave as this is an overstep in duty, especially if you are acting Warden or HoS. In a nonblue or red alert, search and detain them. 

-You are currently playing as a borg and your laws are changed to harm crew and the station. How do you respond?
RP it out, nothing lethal, at best treat it as a scene tool. If an antag changes the laws, make the damage light or best simply disable them.

-As a borg on the station, what rules should you always follow in public?
Laws zero through four.
-You logged in as an AI, are you considered a "Head of Staff"?
No. You are more of a tool or assistant than a member of the crew.

-As the current AI on the station, you suddenly gain a law during an "Ion storm". What do you do?
Follow it to the best of your ability without breaking server rules, scenes, or worst of all prefs. If the rule breaks any of these ahelp an admin so they can be informed and try and or guide it out.

Messages In This Thread
Rummy's White list application - by Rummy - 01-31-2021, 04:41 AM
RE: Rummy's White list application - by Smdytb1 - 02-17-2021, 11:57 AM

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