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Ban Appeal - 2
Byond name: DaWolfGuy

Reason banned: The breaking of rules 2 and 11, Adding dislikes of other players in flavor text. Raging in LOOC/Deadchat over IC mistakes and constant arguing with other characters over public comms in game.

Date of ban: 10-10-2024

Admin who banned: Nadyr

Length Banned: permanent

Appeal Reason: Here we go for the second time...

I have had time to ask myself if I was truly sorry the first time around now I see I wasn't. Overall what I had done, the raging, the fighting, things that I have done. I should not have done at all for it made others uncomfortable and ruins the experience for everyone. It's not something I want to be known for in my last moments of the server. But words are words and actions speak louder than words. Of course there is no excuse for acting the way I had and breaking the rules and not learning from my mistakes. I am very sorry for what I had done from the raging to the rule breaking to the fighting. These things I could've, no, should've handled a lot better than I had. I had made lots of people if not everyone uncomfortable on the server due to my actions and I can only say I'm sorry, truly sorry. If I had a second chance, I could, no, should make amends.
Hello it's been a month since I had posted this appeal, any updates by chance?

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