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Whitelist reviewing was done via Discord DM's. Player was having issues accessing our forums so I decided to work that way.
This here is just to record their response to the questions and that they been accepted to the Xenochimera whitelist.
BYOND Username:A Random Alien

Discord ID:A Random Alien #0833

Race or Language whitelisting for: Xenochimera

What do you know of their mechanics?: Xenochimera due to their biology are unable to be resleaved if killed due to their chaotic dna but because of their regenerative abilities a chimera can heal from most deadly wounds by going into stasis and "Reconstituting" their form, bursting out from their old skin. Even if they "Die" they can still be brought back if given an injection of Animal protien or Nutriment. Because of their biology Xenochimera are suceptable to going "Feral" if they are in high amounts of pain, intense hunger, or hyperactivity due to stimulants. While Feral Xenochimera's are more akin to animals than sentiant beings, seeking most of all to escape danger, eat, or hunt in acordance to what set off their feral state, and once their needs are met they will return to their non feral state.

What do you know of their lore?: Xenochimera are an extraterarial race that comes from an unknown origin, apearing on planets at random where asteroids containing their "Protocells" hit the surface, or in other cases unlucky ships like that of the Roanoak. Xenochimera at their most basic form are an amorphos mass of cells that seek out prey not only for nutrician but also to take on their DNA structure in order to addapt to their environment. At first Xenochimera are not sapient, only gaining sapience when they happen upon an unlucky Person that they consume, taking on part of their DNA and sometimes gaining their intelegance. A xenochimera will continue to grow, taking on different parts of different prey which gives them their name as "Chimera" There are two ways a Chimera is born, naturally from an asteroid hitting a planet holding life or artificially in a lab, whatever the patron of the lab's reasoning may be.

What idea did you have for your character?: Richter is a lab grown Xenochimera, created origionally to study the processes that a Xenochimera uses to take on the DNA of various prey. He was origionally born from a petri sample of Xenochimera cells 19 years ago, spending about 5 years being grown up on various animals, studied intensly to document everything that he did with said DNA. It was around then that during a series of events of lax security policies, a blackout, and plain old bad luck Richter escaped. He was only found 3 days later when a Vulpkanin Janitor found him, problem was it was more the other way around and by the time medical and security had found him he was far too gone, with Richter happily snoozing away as he converted his meal, luckily for Richter said "Meal" had a backup ready to go. It was 3 days later that he was showing a marked rise in intellegence, by day 13 he was confirmed Sapient and now protected under law. One said law was an education, headed by the scientists that had raised him. It consisted of the usual K-12 education, coninciding quite well with his current age. As well as this there was also a heavy lesson that what had happened was a mistake, one that should never happened again. As one could tell it did wonders for his development. It was around age 10 that he began to prey on various rats and mice in secret as an urge to hunt grew within him, by age 16 he made his first major slip up, preying upon an unathi Maintinance tech one night. He however wasn't caught on acount of his sensors having been left off. This first major meal in years excited him, a guilty pleasure he indulged in for years, hiding the various new adaptations quite well truth be told until one night on the eave of his 19 "Birthday" he slipped up and his prey got away. He had to get away, and get away fast or he knew he was dead. Stowing away on an outbound shuttle he was on his own, eventually being picked up by Nanotrasen. As a result of his upbringing he was left quite a self concious and nervous creature around others. The company of other Xenochimera, a thing he had never seen before, and a position as a junior officer in the security department of another station did do well to improve his confidence, though he mostly hides behind a confident persona, most exemplified around other Xenochimera though it is quick to break down around superiors if he has gained their ire for some reason or another. He's most happy around Chimera, gaining confidence and a carefree atitude.